Thursday, October 30, 2008

Growing up without watching TV

Dear friend,

You probably spend your day figuring out how to make your kids watch less TV or even how to make yourself spend less hours staring at this animated box and instead read a book or go for a walk. My parents did not have that problem. We did own a TV--bulky, black and white, with a faux wood box--but as Romanians we had only one channel and the broadcast was very limited to the evening news during the week and a possible movie or cartoon during the weekend. The majority of them were Romanian made. Here is a sample of Romanian made cartoons with Mihaela

yes...very entertaining...but you know what? We loved them. We loved them all and now we rejoice in remembering them. I think all together there were about 20-25 cartoons that I watched growing in 20-25 altogether! That is how we let our imaginations go wild and we ran around all day may that be summer or winter or fall. As kids we loved all the seasons, because each season brought another kind of entertainment...but back to the TV shows! The evening news that would come on at 7PM and were called "Telejurnal" were all about Ceausescu...we knew nothing about what was going on outside the Romanian borders. Romania was what you call a "closed country": you could not leave the country, hear news or music from abroad, or even see how some people from abroad looked like. (hence first time my mom and I saw a black, asian, indian or african person respectively we were in awe of how different they looked like!) Isn't that sad now? Well, it was, but we were happy...we were happy with what we had and we made the best out of it.




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