Friday, December 5, 2008

Mos Niculai

Dear childhood friend, country fellow, or curious reader,

So, tonight is the night! Mos Niculai or St. Nicholas is coming tonight! In the Romanian Orthodox tradition we celebrate St. Nick on December 6th, so on the night of the 5th every boy and girl polish their shoes and leaves them by the door hoping that St. Nick will pass by and drop off some presents. Same kind of story... if you were mean, expect some stitches, but if you were good expect candy and socks and oranges galore! We do celebrate Christmas and Santa Claus and we get more presents then, but this is kind of a present warm up! I remember one year on St. Nick's eve, dad turn off the lights and pretended there was a power outage (very common in those times) and we had to hang out by the stove and wait for the power to come back. In the meantime, my next door neighbor (who by the way was wearing a skirt and had a bag) sneaked in and dropped presents in our shinny boots by the door. St. Nick was wearing a skirt! That year I remember I got a Snow White box of candy and new socks. I must have been 4 or 5 years old...
For those who read Romanian here is an article from Formula As on Mos Nicolae. 

Till next time,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came across your wonderful blog thru BlogCatalog. So just wanted to drop a line of appreciation. Looking forward to learn about Romania thru your blog :)